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What should I expect after an Eyebrows Threading treatment?

After Eyebrows Threading, you'll have clean, perfectly defined eyebrows that enhance the beauty of your eyes and the symmetry of your face. You may experience a bit of redness immediately after the treatment, which will subside quickly.

Can Eyebrow Threading damage my skin?

No, Eyebrow Threading is a gentle treatment that doesn't damage the skin. Unlike waxing, it doesn’t run the risk of burns or skin peeling.

Will my hair grow back thicker after Eyebrows Threading?

No, Eyebrow Threading does not cause hair to grow back thicker. In fact, with regular treatments, the re-growth tends to become finer and more sparse.

What is the cotton thread used in Eyebrows Threading?

The cotton thread used in Eyebrow Threading service is twisted and rolled over the unwanted hair to pluck it out at the follicle level. This delivers precise and clean shaping.

Can men also have Eyebrows Threading?

Yes, Eyebrow Threading is not gender-specific. It's equally effective for men who desire neat and well-shaped eyebrows.

What is Full Face Threading?

Full Face Threading is a hair removal treatment that uses a thin cotton thread to pluck out unwanted hair at the follicle level. It's an ancient beauty method appreciated for its precision, effectiveness, and hygiene.

Is Full Face Threading safe for sensitive skin?

Yes, Full Face Threading is perfectly safe for all skin types, including sensitive skin. The process doesn't involve any harsh chemicals which could potentially irritate your skin.

Does Full Face Threading hurt?

While everyone's pain threshold varies, we ensure our therapists are extensively trained to minimise discomfort during the treatment. Most people compare the sensation to that of tweezing.

Can Full Face Threading remove hair from any part of the face?

Absolutely! Full Face Threading is excellent for removing unwanted hair from all parts of your face, providing you with a flawless, smooth look.

Is there any preparation required before Full Face Threading?

Prior to Full Face Threading, we recommend that you cleanse your face to prepare the skin for treatment. But don't worry, our therapists will also cleanse your skin before starting the process.

What are the benefits of Full Face Threading?

Apart from efficient hair removal, Full Face Threading also exfoliates the skin, removing dead cells and promoting a radiant complexion. After repeated sessions, hair typically grows back finer and softer.

Can men opt for Full Face Threading?

Yes. Full Face Threading is not gender-specific. Both men and women can opt for this treatment to remove unwanted facial hair.

How long do the results of Full Face Threading last?

The results of Full Face Threading are long-lasting, generally remaining effective for 4-6 weeks. This can vary depending on individual hair growth and texture.

Can I wear makeup immediately after Full Face Threading?

We suggest waiting for at least a few hours post-treatment before applying makeup. This is to prevent clogging the open pores and allowing the skin to breathe and recover.

Is there any aftercare required for Full Face Threading?

Post Full Face Threading, avoid direct sun exposure or using high SPF sunscreen, refrain from using exfoliating products for a few days and keep your skin well-moisturised. This will aid in the healing process.

What is upper lip threading?

Upper lip threading is a hair removal treatment. At Dream Nails, it involves using a thin cotton or polyester thread to remove unwanted hair from the follicle level. It's precise, fast, and perfect for those with sensitive skin.

Is upper lip threading painful?

Every individual's tolerance to pain varies, but generally, upper lip threading involves minimal discomfort. The process is quick and our skilled beauticians do their best to make it as comfortable as possible for you.

Does upper lip threading suit sensitive skin?

Yes, definitely. Threading is a very gentle process, making it suitable for sensitive or acne-prone skin types. It doesn't involve any creams or wax and it's less likely to cause irritation or redness as compared to other hair removal methods.

Why might I choose threading rather than other hair removal methods?

Threading offers precision, it's quick and provides long-lasting results. It's a natural, chemical-free process ideally suited for those with sensitive skin. Over time, threading can even lead to diminished hair growth.

How long does the result of upper lip threading last?

It largely depends on your individual hair growth, but generally, the results of upper lip threading last for about 2-6 weeks. The hair that grows back is usually finer and less noticeable.

Will upper lip threading damage my skin?

No, upper lip threading is very gentle on the skin. Unlike other hair removal methods, threading doesn’t cause redness, irritation, or ingrown hairs. It’s perfect if you want smooth, hair-free skin without any skin damage.

How often should I get upper lip threading done?

That largely depends on your individual hair growth cycle. However, typically upper lip threading results can last from 2 to 6 weeks. Regular threading appointments help maintain a smooth, groomed look.

Can I wear makeup after threading?

We recommend waiting a few hours before applying makeup to let your skin calm down post-threading. However, if you wish to apply makeup immediately after, we suggest using products that are non-comedogenic and designed for sensitive skin.

Does threading make hair growth finer?

Yes, one of the benefits of threading is that the hair that grows back after threading is often less coarse and finer than before. Over time, regular threading might lead to slower hair re-growth as well.

How is threading more beneficial than waxing or tweezing?

Threading is more precise and faster than tweezing and it does not involve any chemicals or heat, unlike waxing. It's perfect for sensitive skin and reduces the chance of irritation and skin damage.

What is Full Set UV Gel treatment?

Full Set UV Gel treatment is a nail service where a gel is applied to your natural nails and cured under UV light. This results in resilient, high-gloss and long-lasting nails.

Does the Full Set UV Gel treatment help improve my natural nail health?

Yes, the extra thickness provided by the UV gel during the treatment improves the strength of your natural nails, helping prevent them from splitting or breaking.

What makes the Full Set UV Gel treatment durable?

The UV curing process solidifies the gel giving it robust characteristics. This makes the nail surface hard, glossy, and very resistant to damage.

What is the finish like at the end of the Full Set UV Gel treatment?

The treatment results in dazzling, high-gloss nails with an impressive finish. The entire process ensures your nails look stylish and chic for weeks.

How many layers of UV gel are applied during the treatment?

Our expert technicians apply two layers of UV gel to enhance thickness and durability ensuring a long-lasting effect.

Are there colour options with the Full Set UV Gel treatment?

Absolutely! We offer a multitude of colours so you can express your style and individuality. Whether you want a classic nude, an intense black, or a fun glittery gel, we've got you covered.

Is the Full Set UV Gel treatment safe?

Yes, it's safe. The procedure uses UV light to cure and harden the gel, and our technicians are trained to deliver this service safely and efficiently.

Does the UV light used in the process cause harm to my nails or skin?

UV light is used to cure and harden the gel during the procedure. While the exposure is minimal, we follow safety guidelines to ensure the protection of your skin and nails.

Can I remove the UV Gels at home?

We advise against this as it can damage your nail bed. Instead, we recommend you book an appointment with us for safe and professional removal.

How long does a Full Set UV Gel treatment typically last?

While the durability varies for each individual, generally, a Full Set UV Gel treatment keeps your nails looking fabulous for several weeks.

What is the Infills UV Gel treatment at Dream Nails?

The Infills UV Gel is a nail care treatment at Dream Nails that focuses on maintaining and enhancing previously applied gel manicures. The process involves gently cleaning the nails and meticulously filling the grown-out areas for a uniform, high quality, and durable finish.

How does the UV Gel treatment improve the strength and durability of nails?

The UV curing process used in our Infills UV Gel treatment hardens the gel, resulting in extraordinarily strong nails. This can help to reduce the risk of nail breakage and damage, ensuring you maintain beautiful, healthy-looking nails for longer.

How often will I need to get an Infills UV Gel treatment?

The longevity of the UV Gel treatment varies depending on individual factors, but generally, you can expect the unbelievable gloss to last for several weeks before another infill is required. Our team can advise on frequency based on your specific needs.

Will the Infills UV Gel treatment look natural?

Yes, despite the hard coating, the finish appears and feels very natural. The treatment aims to match your existing nails to offer you a fresh and flawless set of nails similar to the first time you had them done.

What does the Infills UV Gel treatment process involve?

The treatment starts with a gentle cleaning of the nails to prepare them for precise application. We then carefully fill the grown-out areas of the previously applied gel with utmost precision for uniformity and consistency.

Is the Infills UV Gel treatment suitable for all nail types?

The Infills UV Gel is ideal if you already have gel manicures and are looking to maintain them to a high standard. Our experts at Dream Nails will assess your nails to determine if this treatment is appropriate for you.

Can I choose the colour of my Infills UV Gel treatment?

Absolutely, we offer a vast array of gel colours. You can choose the shade that matches your current gel nails, or opt for a new colour if you'd fancy a change.

How can the Infills UV Gel treatment help to maintain my gel manicures?

Getting regular infills helps to keep your gel manicures looking fresh and impeccable, as the treatment fills in the grown-out areas of the previously applied gel, maintaining a seamless and high-gloss appearance.

Does the UV Gel treatment cause any discomfort or nail damage?

Our Infills UV Gel treatment is carefully performed ensuring minimum discomfort. The treatment also aims to prevent any nail damage or breakage, promoting the integrity of your nails.

Why should I choose the Infills UV gel treatment over a standard manicure?

Our Infills UV gel treatment offers a durable, glossy and resilient finish compared to standard manicures. Moreover, UV gel offers added strength to your nails reducing the risk of breakage and ensuring beautifully maintained nails for weeks.

What does the Soak Off procedure involve?

The Soak Off procedure at Dream Nails involves carefully and gently removing any previous UV gel polish from your nails. This is done to ensure that your natural nails remain healthy and undamaged, ready for the new application of UV gel polish.

How is the Full Set UV Gel applied?

Our expert technicians meticulously apply a full set of UV gel on your nails. Each layer is properly cured under a UV lamp to ensure ultimate durability and longevity of the gel set. This detailed and precise application process guarantees a high-quality finish.

Can I choose the gel colour?

Yes, the treatment includes the application of a gel colour of your choice. From bold and bright to classic and pastel tones, we have an extensive range of high-quality gels that suits every style and mood.

Can this treatment help prevent nail breakage?

Absolutely! The UV gel acts as a robust shield for your natural nails, effectively preventing chips, splits, and breakages. Not only does it look fabulous, it also provides additional strength to your nails.

Does the gel colour last longer than regular polish?

Yes, the shine and vibrancy from the gel colour used in our treatment extends significantly longer than regular polish. This means your nails can look salon-fresh for weeks on end!

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