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Does the hair grow back thicker after waxing?

No, contrary to common misconceptions, hair does not grow back thicker after waxing. In fact, regular waxing can slow down the cycle of hair growth, making the hair sparser and less visible.

What can I do to reduce discomfort during the procedure?

We recommend that you avoid caffeine and alcohol before the appointment as these can make your skin more sensitive. An over-the-counter pain reliever like Paracetamol taken an hour before treatment can also help manage any discomfort.

What happens during the waxing procedure?

The process begins with skin preparation to protect your skin and improve wax efficiency. The wax is applied in the direction of hair growth for maximum extraction and pain reduction. Post-wax, a soothing lotion is applied to calm the skin.

Can this treatment cause skin irritation or inflammation?

Some people may experience slight redness immediately after treatment. However, we apply an aloe-based lotion post-wax to prevent and soothe any inflammation.

How often should I get this waxing treatment?

Typically, we advise clients to schedule their waxing appointments every 4 to 6 weeks. Though, it may vary depending on your individual hair growth.

Can I shave between waxing appointments?

We generally recommend against shaving between waxing appointments. Shaving disrupts the hair growth cycle and could make your next waxing appointment less effective.

Should I exfoliate before or after the treatment?

It is beneficial to exfoliate the skin prior to your appointment to remove any dead skin cells, ensuring a more effective waxing process. Avoid exfoliation immediately after wax treatment, as your skin will be more sensitive.

What is the process of your chest waxing treatment?

Our chest waxing treatment starts with a consultation to understand any skin sensitivities or allergies. We then cleanse the skin, apply high-quality wax, and remove it in a manner that minimises discomfort. We adhere to the highest standards of safety and hygiene.

What result can I expect from your chest waxing treatment?

Our chest waxing treatment offers a super smooth finish, removing both hair and dead skin for a polished look. Typically, the results last up to six weeks, with hair regrowth noticed between 3-4 weeks post-treatment. Regular waxing can result in slower, finer hair growth.

What is the aftercare routine post chest waxing treatment?

After the chest waxing treatment, we apply a soothing lotion to calm the skin and reduce redness. Our experts will provide you with detailed instructions on aftercare, which can help maintain the smooth appearance for a longer duration.

Does the chest waxing treatment cause any discomfort?

Our therapists are trained to use a specific waxing method designed to minimize discomfort. While there could be slight discomfort during the hair removal, we work to ensure it’s as minimum as possible. Post-treatment, we apply a soothing lotion to reduce any potential skin irritation.

What type of wax do you use for chest waxing?

We use a high-quality wax that hardens quickly around the hair, allowing for swift and effective removal. The exact type of wax varies to suit individual skin types and sensitivities, which will be determined during your pre-treatment consultation.

How long does the result of chest waxing usually last?

The results of our chest waxing treatment typically last up to six weeks. The exact duration can vary depending on the individual - most customers start noticing hair regrowth between 3-4 weeks post-treatment.

How is hygiene maintained during the chest waxing treatment?

At Dream Nails, we place high importance on hygiene. We cleanse your skin before the treatment, use fresh materials, and ensure that our beauty therapists use clean and sterilised equipment for each customer.

Can I get a chest waxing treatment if I have sensitive skin?

Yes, our chest waxing service is suitable for all skin types. We conduct a pre-treatment consultation to ascertain any skin sensitivities or allergies. Based on this, we select the most appropriate wax and aftercare to ensure minimal reaction and maximum comfort.

What can I do to extend the results of my chest waxing treatment?

Aftercare is key in extending the results of your treatment. Our experts will provide you with detailed instructions which include avoiding certain activities, using specific lotions and maintaining a certain skin care routine.

Can I have a chest waxing treatment if I am allergic to certain products?

Yes, you can still have a chest waxing treatment. During the pre-treatment consultation, we discuss any allergies or sensitivities you have. We will then select the most suitable wax, and if required, conduct a patch test to ensure the selected materials won't cause any adverse reactions.

What is the process involved in the Chin waxing treatment?

The Chin Waxing service at Dream Nails involves cleaning the skin properly before our beauty specialists apply a specially formulated wax over the chin, which quickly solidifies around the hair and is then removed swiftly, pulling the hair from the roots.

How long will the results of the Chin Waxing service last?

The results of our Chin Waxing service can last between 2-6 weeks, as waxing removes the hair from the root. Regular treatments can even lead to finer and less dense hair growth over time.

Could waxing cause any side effects or discomfort?

Some people may experience temporary redness or slight sensitivity after their treatment, however our experienced professionals make every effort to ensure the process is as comfortable and painless as possible for our clients.

What are the benefits of Dream Nails’ Chin Waxing over tweezing or shaving?

Unlike tweezing or shaving, our Chin Waxing service removes hair from the root, resulting in smoother skin for a longer period. Regular waxing can lead to finer and less dense hair growth. Additionally, our specially formulated wax nourishes the skin.

Does Dream Nails' Chin Waxing treatment also provide skincare benefits?

Yes, our Chin Waxing treatment provides skincare benefits. It exfoliates the skin, leaving your chin area looking fresh and rejuvenated, while also helping to reduce shadows caused by hair, thereby brightening up the face.

Is the Chin Waxing treatment suitable for all skin types?

Our Chin Waxing service is typically suitable for all skin types. However, if you have any skin conditions or are undergoing any skincare treatments, we recommend consulting with our specialists before booking your appointment.

How soon after a wax can I apply makeup on the treated area?

We recommend waiting at least 24 hours before applying makeup or any other skincare products to the treated area to minimise the risk of irritation.

Can I get a Chin Waxing service at Dream Nails if I have a breakout around my chin area?

If you have any active breakouts or open sores on your chin, it's best to wait until they've fully healed before undergoing our Chin Waxing service. When in doubt, consult our specialists for advice.

Are there any after-care tips following a Chin Waxing treatment at Dream Nails?

After your Chin Waxing service, avoid direct sun exposure and heat treatments for at least 24 hours. We recommend keeping the treated area clean and applying a mild, fragrance-free moisturiser as aftercare.

How does the Chin Waxing benefit overall facial appearance?

Our Chin Waxing treatment not only removes unwanted hair but also exfoliates the skin, making the facial area look fresh and rejuvenated. It also helps reduce shadows caused by facial hair, resulting in an overall brighter complexion.

What is the process of your eyebrow shaping treatment?

Our eyebrow shaping treatment begins with a comprehensive consultation to understand your desired look. We then meticulously study your face structure to determine the most flattering shape for you. The shaping process involves a combination of waxing and plucking using sanitised tools, followed by applying a soothing aloe vera gel.

How do your aestheticians ensure safety during the treatment?

We prioritise safety and hygiene above all. Our tools are thoroughly sanitised, and we use high-quality cream-based hot wax with antiseptic properties to protect your skin from any irritation. We place a strong emphasis on providing a clean and safe experience for our clients.

What type of wax do you use for eyebrow shaping?

We use premium cream-based hot wax that has antiseptic properties, providing a safe and comfortable waxing experience that minimises any potential irritation.

What can I expect in terms of results?

Expect professionally-shaped eyebrows that enhance your natural beauty and reflect your unique style. They provide a pleasing frame for your eyes, giving your appearance a well-groomed and attractive edge instantly.

Is the eyebrow shaping treatment suitable for sensitive skin?

Absolutely. Our high-quality wax is gentle on all skin types, including sensitive ones. We also apply a calming aloe vera gel post-treatment to soothe the area.

How can I maintain the shape of my eyebrows at home?

Our eyebrow specialists offer practical advice on maintaining the shape and improving the overall health of your eyebrows. Regular appointments are recommended to maintain your desired look.

Is eyebrow shaping painful?

Our aesthetician performs each step with precision and care, ensuring minimal discomfort. The high-quality antiseptic cream wax we use and post-treatment soothing gel all contribute to a pleasant and comfortable experience.

Do you customise the eyebrow shape according to individual face shape?

Yes, absolutely. We study each client's face structure meticulously to determine the most flattering eyebrow shape. Our goal is to heighten each client's natural beauty with a tailored approach.

Why should I consider professional eyebrow shaping?

Investing in professional eyebrow shaping not only elevates your appearance instantly but gives you a longer-lasting, more refined look. It allows your eyes to become the central focus and enhances your overall facial balance.

Do you provide post-treatment care instructions?

Yes, post-treatment, we provide you with clear instructions and helpful tips on how to take care of your eyebrows and maintain the shape in the best way.

How does the 'Full Body with Hollywood' affect hair regrowth?

Regular waxing sessions can result in lighter hair regrowth. This means that over time, your hair may grow back finer and less dense than before.

What is the Full Arms treatment?

Our Full Arms treatment is a top-quality waxing procedure designed to effectively remove hair from your arms. It includes pre-cleansing, application of superior-grade wax, and post-wax soothing lotion for a virtually pain-free, and efficient hair removal experience.

How does Full Arms treatment differ from traditional hair removal methods?

Our Full Arms waxing treatment not only provides immediate and visible results but also reduces hair regrowth over time. Unlike traditional methods which might just cut the hair at skin level, waxing removes hair from the root which leads to a longer-lasting hair-free look.

Is the Full Arms waxing treatment painful?

Our procedure is designed to minimise discomfort. The wax is applied evenly and at a controlled temperature which ensures effective hair removal without causing pain. Post-wax, we apply a soothing lotion to reduce any potential redness or irritation.

What benefits does Full Arms waxing offer?

Besides removing hair effectively, our Full Arms waxing treatment exfoliates your skin, resulting in a softer, smoother appearance. It also reduces hair regrowth over time, giving you a clean and sleek look for several weeks.

What happens during the Full Arms treatment?

The treatment begins with a thorough cleansing of your arms, followed by the application of a superior-grade wax. Our trained therapists then carefully remove the wax strips, and apply a special soothing lotion to reduce any redness or irritation.

Is it safe for all skin types?

Absolutely. We choose the wax according to your specific skin type ensuring that the treatment is safe and gentle for everyone.

How long do results from Full Arms waxing last?

The results can last for several weeks as waxing removes hair from the roots. Regular waxing can even slow down hair regrowth over time.

Do I need to prepare my skin before Full Arms waxing?

Your skin should be clean and free of oils and lotions before waxing. However, there's no need for other specific preparations as we start the treatment with a thorough cleansing of the area to be treated.

What kind of wax is used in the Full Arms treatment?

We use a superior-grade wax which is selected per your skin type to ensure the treatment is effective and comfortable.

Can Full Arms waxing help with skin health?

Yes, our Full Arms waxing method not only removes hair but also exfoliates the skin, resulting in softer and more youthful-looking arms.

What areas does the 'Full Body' waxing treatment cover?

The 'Full Body' waxing treatment at Dream Nails includes waxing of your full arms, underarms, full legs, back, stomach and bikini line.

What safety and hygiene measures do you follow during the treatment?

We thoroughly clean the skin before and after the treatment. The wax is always maintained at a comfortable temperature. Additionally, we use powder where necessary to protect your skin.

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